a. 3D BIM modeling, with design detail significantly better than traditional 2D design;
b. Factory prefabrication to effectively compress the project Leadtime;
c. Advanced ARRR design concept (Availability, Reliability, Redundancy, Resilience);
d. Sophisticated COOLING FREE concept and the detailed FREED index methodology from cooling perspective.
e. Professional and flexible expansion abilities;
f. Advanced technologies such as CFD/VR/AR/IoT to improve the efficiency and quality of the project and reduce risks.
Free Cooling % - Free Cooling Hours/8760
Recovery % - Recovered Energy/Heat Load
Reliability - MTBF, Single Point of Failure
Efficiency - Mechanical Cooling EER
Environmental Impact - Refrigerant Type, Water Impact, Noise, Vibration, etc…
Density - Cooling Capacity/Total Dimension & Max Single Rack Density
Digitalisation - Control, IoT, AI, Monitoring, CFD, BIM
Mathematical modelling of overall data center availability and analysis.
Based on a comprehensive failure mode database of data center M&E facility, together with extensive compiled information of engineering maintenance systems, AIRSYS established the industry-exclusive data center infrastructure availability mathematical modelling system. Utilizing this modelling system, AIRSYS can calculate the holistic availability of a data center quantitatively, based on the existing M&E design and operation& maintenance management systems.
This can provide reliable data to support the optimization of M&E facility and management system.