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Cooling Free Datacenter Concept Published in the APAC CIO Outlook Magazine

Author: Published time: 2022-02-18Times: 1650


AIRSYS was voted the annual listing of 10 companies that are at the forefront of providing Data Center solutions and impacting the APAC industry by APAC CIO Outlook Magazine. Let's look at Ivan's view of the data center. He is the CEO of AIRSYS Singapore. #AIRSYSView MAKING DATA CENTER A COOLING FREE POWERHOUSE

Data center cooling is no longer just about controlling the temperature in today’s energy efficiency and sustainability age. Its purview has expanded to encompass energy management. In light of this paradigm shift, boxed or off-the-shelf solutions prove incapable of addressing today’s comprehensive needs of data centers. Hence, enterprises are increasingly looking for a total solution provider that can undertake the complete process from assessing the unique cooling requirements of the data center, designing the solution accordingly, implementing it, and looking after the operation and maintenance aspect.

AIRSYS Singapore Pte. Ltd provides precisely the same to enterprises. The company’s services traverse the entire value chain cycle from consulting, designing, and product engineering to operations and maintenance. “We have our own product and at the same time we also work as the consultant designer and service provider for all of the functions related to data center cooling. So, it is a full package of data center cooling solutions,” says Ivan He Zhao, Managing Director & Co-founder, AIRSYS Singapore.

There are two significant aspects of data center cooling that a solution provider has to manage. The first one is to improve the availability of the data center from cooling perspective wherein there are concerns related to the hotspot, air distribution, and troubleshooting for a problem related to cooling facilities, to name a few. Secondly, it is essential to ensure efficient energy management. Most of the data centers in different parts of the world today consume around 20-30 per cent of the total power consumed by a cooling facility. So, the total power consumption can be reduced significantly if the data center cooling is managed efficiently.

To meet these requirements, AIRSYS follows a Cooling Free approach. The Cooling Free concept consists of four major parts. First, it is ensured that the system is highly reliable without any downtime, leading to the highest availability of the whole data center project. Second, the cooling facility consumes as little power as possible. Different types of accessible cooling technologies are adopted according to the actual site condition and local climate. AIRSYS’s upcoming liquid cooling solution provides 100 percent free cooling irrespective of the local climate or the site condition. Third, the dimension of the cooling system, including indoor and outdoor, are kept as small as possible. The fourth option is Cooling as a Service, wherein the enterprises need not buy the cooling product and can buy the cooling package as a service, CAPEX free.

The second aspect of the overall strategy pertains to energy management, which AIRSYS achieve through energy recovery. It collects the waste heat from the data center project and uses it in some other application. “If we can always collect or recover the waste energy from a running data center, the data center will become a powerhouse and can also power other projects besides the data center,” adds Ivan.

Very soon, AIRSYS will launch its unique liquid cooling solution for the data center industry, which will bring about a revolution in the data center cooling segment. After cooling down the heat load, it is collected through outlet liquid and use the liquid energy for some other applications such as preheated water for a residential project.

AIRSYS has worked with many of the major telecom and data center companies in the Asia Pacific region. The company has the experience of handling both new build and old retrofitting data centers. “Moving ahead, our plan is to first of all keep going in the same direction. Although we have a lot of famous competitors in this industry, we position ourselves as a complete solution provider. On the product side, we are going to launch our liquid cooling solution which is the future of data center cooling. With similar endeavors, we aim to help the industry achieve a much better result in terms of data center cooling and save a lot of energy,” signs off Ivan.

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